Winter Challenges
Learn about our Winter Challenges and how you can participate!
Winter Challenges: Learn, Compete, and Earn Points For Merch!⭐
This term we wanted to do something a little different. We understand it is difficult to create full on projects given class work, midterms, etc… So this term we decided to host weekly challenges, where you can go as in depth (or not). We will post a new challenges every week, featuring different technologies! The challenge structure is broken down below
Challenge Breakdown 🤖
Each of the 8 weeks this term, the challenges are going be structured as follows:
- A Base challenge worth 100 Points
- Then there will be additional challenges worth between 25-100 points
- You’ll then show your project to us or submit our google form
Prizes 👑
At the end of the term your points will be tallied, here’s the breakdown of the prizes:
- Countless STICKERS!!!!
- 800 Points GDG T-Shirt
- Top 5 Participants GDG Water Bottle!
- More Prizes TBD
Challenge Sumission
Either show us in person or submit this form